Formatting Footnotes Footnote references should ideally be placed at the end of the sentence, or at least at the end of a clause within a sentence. You should number footnotes consecutively through the whole work, and not separately within chapters. Please keep the number of footnotes to a strict minimum and make the notes brief. Discursive notes should be avoided. Incorporate the material into the main text instead or omit it altogether. Do not use footnotes as a medium for disseminating a mass of technical information. Above all, do not put bibliographical references in footnotes: use the Harvard author-date system for these (see the section on compiling a bibliography) and include a list of references at the end of the work. A footnote reference should appear as a superscript figure, like this. Stick it to the last letter of the word, without using a space to separate the two. Place it before any punctuation. Example: