Preparing to get your message out The message Unless you are preparing a compendium or stocktaking report, you should be able to define your key message in one or two sentences. These lines will be your beacon throughout the publication process. The importance of taking your time to do this cannot be overstated. Everything you do afterwards can be measured against this key message. If you cannot define one key message, you should consider whether you need several publications to convey your messages. Poor example: New reforms to exams in certain rural VET schools in Algeria now involve small- and medium-sized enterprises, state companies, authorities at the local, national and regional levels and trade unions who, based on a new national framework and revised occupational standards, have introduced different ways of mixing classroom education and on the job training so what students learn better reflects what they may meet in the labour market, thus improving the transition from school to work. Alternative: ETF research shows that a move from school-based summative evaluation towards formative evaluation with social partner involvement has positively affected the employability of VET graduates in rural Algeria.