Style UK English vs US English The ETF follows British English usage in spelling. This is a choice. It does not mean one is ‘more right’ than another. It does mean, that when you write for the ETF, you should write in British English and not in US or ‘international’ English. The ETF uses –ise (rather than –ize) endings in words such as organise and unionise, in line with the standard almost universally adopted in publishing in the UK and Ireland (the notable exceptions to this are the Oxford dictionaries and The Times newspaper). Watch out for words that are spelt differently in British and American English. There are many, but here are some that are particularly relevant in our line of work: British spellingAmerican spellingcolourcolorfavouritefavoriteenrol/enrolmentenroll/enrollmentcataloguecataloganalyseanalyzeprogrammeprogramageingagingtonnetonlabourlaborgreygraycentrecenter(kilo)metre(kilo)meter